Friday, November 27, 2009


Two left hands.


Brilliant, huh?

On the plus side, I think I figured out how to add a thumb.


  1. Do you know how many times I do something like that??? But you learned from it right? At least that is what I tell myself every time I make two right arms for my doll or accidentally sew the wrong side of the fabric facing out or.....

  2. Thanks Lori! I moved on to another project tonight (because I couldn't stand to deal with the gloves) and was especially careful about checking orientation.

  3. Been there. Done that. It's so darn frustrating. Move on. Just move on.

  4. Thanks Jolly! Yep, moved on but will revisit them again. Hopefully, a little bit wiser this time.

    And Mo, somehow I deleted your comment?? WTH?? But, not until after I read it - can't wait to say Valjjooo Villaahhhggge when I go now!! Haha!

  5. Hey Rose, you won the giveaway on A Good Appetite. I don't have an email for you so email me at katbaro at yahoo dot com with your address.

  6. I thought of you as I posted today about my ornament hearts... I sewed the ribbon facing the wrong way. I had to laugh and thought of this post!! :)

  7. Oh Lori - too funny! I just finished a new pair of gloves and triple checked that I had the correct orientation.
